This article was originally published as “5 stylish safety devices that reclaim independence” on Mashable on April 2, 2016
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”
You might remember this phrase from the dramatic and poorly produced medical alert infomercials targeted towards the elderly in the 1980s and ’90s.
While the statement lives on in pop culture history, the device itself won’t be remembered for its fashion-forward aesthetic. The bulky beige remote control hung from customers’ necks by a cheesy ball chain necklace — a look any stylish client would hesitate to wear.
Thankfully, the wearable tech market has come a long way since then.
As safety continues to be a concern for women, children, senior citizens, people of different abilities, and those at risk, many are longing for stylish and discrete gadgets to help keep them safe.
Below are five sleek safety alert wearables even the most fashionable accessory connoisseurs would love.
Accessory lovers without smartphones can stay connected, too.
The Kanega watch, which some compare to a personal On-Star system, bypasses both Bluetooth and apps, sending users directly to a LifeAssist operator.
The product is activated through voice commands instead of buttons or sensors. Users speak to the device like they would to Apple’s Siri, addressing it by a specific name the wearer designates.
The watch promises to send medication reminders as well as dosage instructions. If clients forget how to find their way home when taking a walk, no problem. Kanega will provide turn-by-turn directions.
After a successful Kickstarter campaign the company expects to begin shipping the Kanega to customers this summer.
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